Swap Being Overwhelmed and Exhausted
to Loving Your Life Again


Alina Fortis

Hey there, welcome!

I’m Alina, a full-time working mom, certified coach, and psychology enthusiast. Diving into the fascinating world of psychology over 20 years ago has been a thrilling rollercoaster of experiences.

From embracing the role of a stay-at-home mom to navigating the challenges of being a working mom, I’ve twirled on both sides of the juggling act. My time as a stay-at-home mom was a profound chapter, offering insights into the dynamic world of motherhood. It was during this period that I experienced an emotional rollercoaster – the gratitude of being a mom and wife, alongside the struggle of feeling like a part of myself was slipping away. Amid the daily hustle, the question lingered: “Where are my passions, my dreams, and purpose in this journey dedicated to others?”

Transitioning into the realm of a working mom, I waltzed through the intricate dance of balancing career aspirations, family responsibilities, and personal growth. I’ve walked in your shoes, navigating the twists and turns that accompany the juggling act. Tiredness, overwhelm, and stress became unwelcome companions, often accompanied by the weight of guilt and the occasional sting of shame.

This transformative journey sparked a passion within me to support and empower fellow moms. My approach isn’t merely theoretical; it’s deeply rooted in real-life experiences and a profound understanding gained through my time as a working mom and a stay-at-home mom.

I understand the struggles, the highs and lows of being a mom juggling various roles. I’ve been there, felt that, and emerged with insights to guide you through this journey.

I see you. I get you. I’m here for you, every step of the way.

Work With Me


  • You have archived your health goals (maintain a healthy weight, balanced diet, regular exercise, hydration, prioritize sleep, reduce unhealthy habits).
  • You wake up feeling energized and excited about the day, not drained and depleted.
  • You tackle challenges with a calm and clear mind, instead of feeling overwhelmed and on edge.
  • You set healthy boundaries and say “no” without guilt, knowing your time and energy are precious.
  • You spend quality time with your loved ones, fully present and engaged, instead of feeling scattered and distracted.
  • You take time to rest and recharge without feeling guilty, knowing you can’t pour from an empty cup.
  • You give yourself credit for all the things you do, instead of focusing on the ones you didn’t. 
  • You show up in a way that you are proud of, confident, knowing you’re an amazing mama who deserves to thrive.

Are You Ready To:

  • Kiss stress and anxiety goodbye: Imagine waking up each morning feeling centered, grounded, and ready to tackle the day with a smile, not a sigh. Ditch the constant worry and overwhelm, and embrace the peace you deserve.
  • Reclaim your time and energy: Stop feeling like you’re running on fumes! Learn powerful time management and productivity hacks that free up your precious hours for the things that truly matter – like snuggling with your kids, pursuing your passions, or simply enjoying some well-deserved “me time.”
  • Set boundaries like a boss: Learn to say “no” with confidence and create healthy boundaries that protect your precious time and energy. No more feeling like everyone else’s needs come before yours!
  • Boost your confidence and self-worth: Step into your power as the incredible mama you are! This program will help you silence your inner critic, celebrate your successes, and radiate confidence from the inside out.
  • Build a life you love: This isn’t just about checking tasks off a to-do list – it’s about designing a life that feels fulfilling, purposeful, satisfying. Get ready to create a reality that aligns with your deepest desires and values. 

“Life is happening for us, not to us.” ~ Tony Robbins 


Short term investment, lifelong benefits:

1:1 COACHING – Private coaching sessions offer you the dedicated support and guidance you need to navigate life’s challenges and pursue your dreams with confidence. No two individuals are alike, and neither are their paths to success. That’s why my coaching approach is entirely customized to suit your preferences, pace, and learning style. I believe in meeting you where you are and empowering you to take meaningful steps forward, at your own rhythm.

             – Tailored guidance: Receive personalized support and solutions that resonate with your unique circumstances and goals.

             – Deep insights: Gain clarity and perspective on your challenges and opportunities through thought-provoking conversations and exercises.

              – Accountability: Stay on track and motivated as you work towards your objectives with the support and encouragement of your coach.

               – Lasting transformation: Experience profound growth and positive change that extends beyond the coaching sessions and enriches every aspect of your life.

GROUP COACHING – “Grateful Sisterhood” small group of likeminded women (up to 6) where we build authentic connection, inspire and support each other.

Are you craving connection and community with other women who understand what you’re going through?  Then this coaching circle is exactly what you need. It’s a safe space where you’re not just part of a group; you’re seen, heard, and understood. 



"When I'm blazing around at full speed, Alina effortlessly brings a sense of tranquility with a touch of humor, reminding me of the importance of self-care. As a coach, Alina brings unwavering support and gentle encouragement that not only enhances my professional capacity but also uplifts my overall well-being. Every session with her is a joy, a space where I consistently make gains. I am grateful to have her as a grounding force so I can push myself without burning-out."

"Working with Alina has been transformative for me. When I felt overwhelmed she not only assisted me in crafting a clear plan but also became a reassuring companion throughout the process. Her approach goes beyond goal-setting, it's like having a supportive friend guiding you through life's challenges. Alina provides practical strategies and emotional support so if you are seeking a coach who blends structure with heart, overcome negative thinking, set meaningful intentions, cultivate self-compassion, she is the genuine support you've been looking for."

"Alina has helped me support me get to the heart of why I want to make some changes with my health and set some clear, manageable goals around exercise, keeping a better organized personal and work calendar as as setting some healthy boundaries with my family for supporting more equitable diving of household labor - all of which have helped reduce stress and feeling of overwhelm with my life! After working with Alina I am grateful to now feel like I have more breathing room and time for myself."